Hello, friends! I know, I really must post here more often. I can't believe how long it's been again. I'm afraid I've been in kind of a constant state of overwhelm lately, and that doesn't do wonders for my creativity. But, I did get another spread done in my Project Life. I'm hoping to get that caught up soon, but we'll see...

I used my first insert in this one.

So, you may be wondering why I'm so overwhelmed lately... Well, for starters, I began doing Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago. That is going really well, but it does take me more time trying to figure out what to eat. And, for about the past month, I've been exercising 40 - 70 minutes nearly every day, which obviously takes away from time to do other things. But, the biggest thing weighing on my mind right now, and sucking my energy a bit, is the fact that my hubby has to have a total hip replacement in early May. Fortunately, I think we have the financial aspects of this whole thing pretty well taken care of, as we can still have guys working, even though Dave won't be able to do so for about 6 weeks. But, the stuff I have to worry about - the house, mostly, has me in a bit of a tizzy. You see, as he will be on crutches or a walker for quite some time, the floor is going to have to be clear. Plus, as he doesn't have a spleen, he is going to be super susceptible to infection, and he will not be able to have anyone sick around him for a while. Now, we have 7 of us living here right now, and with 3 of the kids in elementary school, it's rare that there is a time that someone doesn't have the sniffles or an upset stomach. So, we have decided that the house needs to be totally cleaned and disinfected. Not an easy task for me. We've been living here for 12 1/2 years, and we have a lot of stuff. And for a woman who has a terrible time just keeping the house slightly presentable some of the time, this is quite a job! Plus, frankly, the idea of having my hubby home for 6 weeks straight has me wondering how crazy I'll be by the end of it! Anyway, it'll all be okay, and I'll get my creative groove back one of these days. But, for now, my computer is being really slow, and I need to get an early supper made for the kids before I go and weigh in for the week, so I'll end this here. Thanks for sticking with me, even though I've been so quiet!!

So, you may be wondering why I'm so overwhelmed lately... Well, for starters, I began doing Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago. That is going really well, but it does take me more time trying to figure out what to eat. And, for about the past month, I've been exercising 40 - 70 minutes nearly every day, which obviously takes away from time to do other things. But, the biggest thing weighing on my mind right now, and sucking my energy a bit, is the fact that my hubby has to have a total hip replacement in early May. Fortunately, I think we have the financial aspects of this whole thing pretty well taken care of, as we can still have guys working, even though Dave won't be able to do so for about 6 weeks. But, the stuff I have to worry about - the house, mostly, has me in a bit of a tizzy. You see, as he will be on crutches or a walker for quite some time, the floor is going to have to be clear. Plus, as he doesn't have a spleen, he is going to be super susceptible to infection, and he will not be able to have anyone sick around him for a while. Now, we have 7 of us living here right now, and with 3 of the kids in elementary school, it's rare that there is a time that someone doesn't have the sniffles or an upset stomach. So, we have decided that the house needs to be totally cleaned and disinfected. Not an easy task for me. We've been living here for 12 1/2 years, and we have a lot of stuff. And for a woman who has a terrible time just keeping the house slightly presentable some of the time, this is quite a job! Plus, frankly, the idea of having my hubby home for 6 weeks straight has me wondering how crazy I'll be by the end of it! Anyway, it'll all be okay, and I'll get my creative groove back one of these days. But, for now, my computer is being really slow, and I need to get an early supper made for the kids before I go and weigh in for the week, so I'll end this here. Thanks for sticking with me, even though I've been so quiet!!