All Papers, all title tags and mats, and long stitches - American Honey - Modern June
Globe, recycle sign - Earth Day - Shabby Miss Jenn
Wire Heart - I Dream of Poppies - Bren Boone
Butterfly - New Beginnings - MScraps Collab
Dream and Once Upon A Time word art - So This Is Love - Sahlin Studio
Clock and short stitch - Content Felicity - Creative Victorian Designs
Stitched Heart, Love You word art and paper flower - Sweetheart - Vesi Design
Birdcage, branch, bow - The Caged Bird Sings - Bren Boone
Template is Rays All Around from Listgirl Designs
Hi, ladies! I did my first ever
Digi Dare, and shock of all shocks, I won!!! Not the random draw - their PICK!!! Holy Cow! You could still knock me over with a feather! Seriously, total shockdom here!! Anyway, as I hadn't posted the layout here yet, I figured it was about time.