Well - I was thrilled earlier this week when I got an email asking me if I would like to join the CT for Wish Bliss Studio! I mean, seriously, Danielle's work is something I totally love (and own MUCH of!!!) So, not only will I be working with an artist I love, but I'll be saving some money too! Score on two parts, right?? This week she has a fabulous new illustration set and paper pack out!
Here is the layout I made with them. Now, lest you think I am saying goodbye to my little guy's sweet little bum, that was NOT the point! What I now realize you can't see is that I wrote an excerpt from a lovely book I have read many times to my kids, "Goodnight Moon". But, it's mostly covered up by these cute photos of the little one sleeping. Just FYI for anyone looking for an explanation.
Oh, and I'll get to introduce you to someone else I just started CTing for tomorrow (what happened to me trying to keep a light work load???) I just can't help myself! Take care!
Long time, no see, huh? Sorry about that! Work has been really busy! I did find the time to participate in Karla Dudley's You Lift Me Up challenge.
Lift of Aria Andrus's Happiness layout. Supplies: Cypris Papers and Overlays, Remarkable Brush Set and Modern Marvel kit all from Karla Dudley; Essential Stitches #5 from Syrin. Journaling reads: My dear Jacob... It astounds me that at the age of only 22 months, you are able to count to ten! As you walk down the stairs, you count them one by one. You've even gotten as high as twelve! For some reason, you always skip "seven" though. I see so many similarities between you and William. You know some of your colors already too, just as he did at this age! I can't wait to see where life takes you! You are certain to do wonderful things! Love, Mama
I've also been busy trying to keep up with the Mouse, Paper, Scissors class (but failing miserably at that, as well as with my other classes!) I did however take some time yesterday to make these cards. Once I started playing with this color palette, I just couldn't stop (in fact I printed off more to work with today - though the day is disappearing quickly...)
I made these cards with digital papers from Echo Park's Springtime collection. The shaped card is made with a template from the Mouse Paper Scissors class materials. The brushes are one's that I made from art from The Graphics Fairy. I also used a butterfly punch from Martha Stewart, Glam from Tattered Angels, Stamps from American Crafts, a Tombow Dual Brush Pen, Crystals from Bazzil, Glue and 3D Foam Tabs from Towbow, and Hem Tape from Wrights. I have decided to start CTing again, on a very limited basis. I have rejoined a few of my old teams, added a new one, and have an exciting guest spot coming up in May! You will start seeing layouts popping up here more often again (as well, as my continuing obsession with hybrid, and perhaps even just paper!)
I hope you all are having a fantastic start to your spring!! Hugs!
Pink Reptile Designs has this really fun kit on sale TODAY ONLY for $2! I used to collect stamps as a kid, so this kit has a special place in my heart. Get it here!
I've been having some hybrid fun! The Mouse, Paper Scissors class from Jessica Sprague and Heidi Swapp is in full swing, and I am loving it!!! If it opens again, I would HIGHLY recommend it if you want to learn hybrid!! Here is what I have made so far.
This is a notepad with a cover made from House of 3 and Pink Paislee's soon to be released line - Daily Junque. The paper is divine, and I will definitely want more!! For the stickers on the label, I used some Pink Paislee Sweetness glitter alpha stickers. I realized too late that I did the monogram wrong (my last name initial should have been in the middle), but oh, well! We got to use some new Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist Chalkboard in Sprout to spray a white ribbon and make it this lovely green color! I love it!!
Next up I made this card. Essentially they had the card ready made, and I just had to print it out and cut it. We were supposed to have a 2" circle punch for the class, but I bought a circle cutter that could cut many sizes, thinking that would work just as well. Not so - not for me at least. I ended up just cutting out this circle with my scissors... it's far from a perfect circle!! I added the butterfly as an extra embellishment - I got a Martha Stewart butterfly punch recently, so I was happy to add one here!!
These next cards I am REALLY proud of! This first one, they gave us the card and envelope templates and walked us through making this. They are lovely templates!!
I especially love this Thank You banner! I'm so excited to know how to make these!!
Then this second card I did on my own (with the templates.) The monogram alpha is one Heidi made for it - gorgeous, right??? I inked the edges, and as you can tell, didn't do that perfectly, but I'm still pretty darn proud of it!! I love the jewels on it!
And doesn't the inside of the envelope just pop with color??
So, yeah... seriously - loving what I'm doing!!
I'm also taking two other classes right now, and hope to show you goodies from them soon - I don't have my camera most of the time right now as my hubby's broke - he needs one on pretty much a daily basis, so he's using mine. But, I am taking Karen Grunberg's class as Big Picture Classes - Finding Your Way - I won a spot in it from Paperclipping Roundtable!! And the other class I'm taking right now I'm enjoying VERY much, but I haven't actually taken the time to make anything yet. It's the She Art Workshop from Christy Tomlinson of The Scarlet Lime. I am learning so much there too, and hope to find some time this week to make some canvases of my own!